The proven leader in turn protocol improvement + HAPI reduction
The LEAF System is backed by a wealth of evidence – including more than a hundred clinical studies – demonstrating:
- Improvement in turn quality or protocol adherence
- Reduced risk of developing HAPIs compared with standard care
- Reduced costs related to HAPIs compared with standard care
- Help in mitigating disparity in care around:
- Nursing shifts
- Patient characteristics such as BMI and ventilator status
- Help improving teamwork, workflow prioritization and communication, which is evident in nurse surveys
Get access to multiple pieces of high-quality evidence, featuring key outcomes, noteworthy metrics and relevant insights, with our full clinical compendium:
The compendium includes evidence supporting the LEAF System’s impact on:

HAPI reduction
Significantly reduced risk of pressure injuries by 94% (Compared with standard of care [p<0.02])23

Turn protocol adherence
Increase in turn protocol adherence rate from national average 52% to 77% – a relative increase of 48%24
Browse additional resources by content:
“Turning” to technology: Reducing pressure injury incidence in critical care with turn cueing
Learn about the relationship between low adherence to turn protocols and the growing number of hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) -- and how the LEAF System has been shown to help, both…
Improving turning compliance and reducing pressure injuries in the acutely ill patient
In this study, the use of wearable technology to cue patient turning reduced the number of hospital-acquired pressure injuries by 67% in the first 12 months. Additionally, 92% of nursing staff…
Hope for HAPI Prevention
The data is in: Pressure injuries pose a serious challenge, but research suggests that wearable patient monitoring technology can make a significant difference by reducing their incidence and…
Leveraging AONL Leadership Competencies for Pressure Injury Prevention
This session from 2022 AONL Conference reviews the latest data related to hospital‐acquired pressure injuries and evidence‐based prevention strategies within the AONL nurse leader competency…
Helps nurses help each other
Mandy Spitzer, CWOCN
550-Bed Level I Trauma Community Hospital